Meet your therapist
Hi I’m Greg,
I started my journey as a personal trainer back in 2015, hungry for more knowledge I continued my studies and achieved a 1st class bch degree with honours in ‘Sports conditioning rehabilitation and massage’, allowing me to bridge the gap between a massage therapist and a rehabilitation practitioner.
I worked alongside a Welsh semi-pro football team for a year during my studies, providing pitch side first aid, sports specific rehabilitation and pre/post event massages. As you can imagine I treateat alot of ankles, knees and hips!
For the last 3 years I have used the skills I’ve learned and applied it to a clinical setting, helping people of all backgrounds return to a pain free life. During this time I became a biomechanical specialist to fill in the gaps in understanding movement.
There is nuance to being a sports massage therapist and we all need a different approach to achieve our goals, therefore I have no set massage routine, treatment is different for everyone. It’s about justifying the best techniques for you, your presentation, at that moment in time. Then finding ways to challenge movement patterns for a more capable strong body.
I think critically about function and how that influences the way we move, WHAT structures are compromised, WHY are they in pain and HOW to get them to work better. I want people to walk out feeling looked after with less pain, and perhaps a little more wise to their own body.
I have a background in competitive cycling and powerlifting. Giving me a keen interest in sports related injuries and management strategies within training.
Contact us
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!